Admob, Request Error : "No ad to show"

Sometimes I get the warning No ad to show from the Admob banner and don’t get an ad , Is that normal ?


I would try onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError={this.bannerError} to see if there are any errors you can work around.

Hope that helps.

That was the warning I got from the onDidFailToReceiveAdWithError

This is more of a general AdMob question, have you tried searching the error: ios - Admob bannerView Request Error: No ad to show - Stack Overflow

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It seems everyone has different explanations, some on the way how the API is configured with xcode and some due to their privacy settings on their iPhones and mostly if there isn’t enough space for the ad. I was facing this error on both iPhone and Android, I guess it might be due to lack of inventory as the above don’t apply to me.


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