After ejecting from expo taking too much time to build on android studio

Hello people,

Recently, i ejected my app from expo due to its size and im trying to build it in android studio.

So here comes the problem, when i build any other app on android studio, it builds within 2 3 minutes but when im building my ejected app in android studio, the gradle keeps building onn the project forever.

Is there something im missing out??

Any help will be highly appreciated!

Can you send us logs or a video? Hard to debug without more information.

Hello @jesse ,

Here is the android studio EVENT log:

4:20 PM * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037

4:20 PM * daemon started successfully

4:20 PM Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDev19Debug]

5:04 PM Gradle build finished in 44m 8s 56ms (i stopped the build here since it was continously going onn, it is not completely build)

and this is Build:

Build |cancelled||
Run Build |—|—| // my project directory
|Run build|29m 31s 401ms|
|Configure settings|26ms|
|Configure build|1s 756ms|
|Calculate task graph|50s 383ms|
|Run tasks|28m 39s 196ms|

Expo logs:

15:58:04 [exp] There is a new version of exp available (55.0.2).
You are currently using exp 52.0.3
Run npm install -g exp to get the latest version

15:58:18 [exp] Using project at /home/dharmikspartan/Documents/react-native/projects/demohelloworld

15:58:30 [exp] Warning: Expo version in package.json does not match sdkVersion in manifest.

15:58:30 [exp]

15:58:30 [exp] If there is an issue running your project, please run npm install in /home/dharmikspartan/Documents/react-native/projects/demohelloworld and restart.

15:58:46 [exp] Starting Metro Bundler on port 19001.

15:58:46 [exp] Metro Bundler ready.

15:58:50 [exp] Successfully ran adb reverse. Localhost urls should work on the connected Android device.

15:58:52 [exp] Tunnel connected.

15:58:53 [exp] Expo is ready.

15:58:54 [exp] Your URL is: expb4343f673d6740bd8939f963af556372://

15:58:54 [exp] Logs for your project will appear below. Press Ctrl+C to exit.

15:58:59 [exp] Warning: Expo version in package.json does not match sdkVersion in manifest.

15:58:59 [exp]

15:58:59 [exp] If there is an issue running your project, please run npm install in /home/dharmikspartan/Documents/react-native/projects/demohelloworld and restart.

16:05:15 [exp] Finished building JavaScript bundle in 127391ms.

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