Android 7 does not show push notification, Android 8+ and iOS works well

I succeed showing remote push notification at iOS and Android 8+.
While using iOS and Android 8+, not my app, if notification arrives it is shown at popup windows at the top of screen.
However, on Android 7, i can hear only bell sound and cannot see any popup windows at the top.

Following Expo’s guide, I created a channelId at Android as below:

Notifications.createChannelAndroidAsync('my-channel', {
  name: 'notice',
  sound: true,
  priority: 'max',

Example of my notification is as below:

mesg = {
  to: pushId,
  title: 'My Title',
  body: 'Hello',
  data: {
     name: 'Herbert',
  sound: 'default',
  priority: 'high',
  channelId: 'my-channel',

It is likely that Android 7 doesn’t support channel. Does latest version of Expo does not support showing notification popup at Android 7?

I think this is the same problem I am facing. I have Android device version 7.1.1 and you can see the notification cause a quick flicker in the notification area but never show up. I have not tested on Android 8+ yet.

I checked with Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus, which has Android 8.0.0, and push notification show at the top of screen.

Also if I close the app completely, the notification actual comes through and shows the icon on the status bar. Otherwise, I see a flicker of my icon on the status bar. It shows and disappears quickly. @herbertlim Are you seeing the notification flickering?

I also tried putting priorty: "high" in the push message.

Hi @herbertlim and @multitown – unfortunately this is not currently supported :disappointed: Since notification channels do not exist on Android 7 we have a “polyfill” that will apply some properties from the channel to individual notifications, but the priority field (which controls whether or not the notification is displayed as a “heads-up” notification) is not one that we currently support.

The priority field that you send with the notification message is different and controls whether or not the phone should wake up to show the notification.

We’d like to support this in the future! But unfortunately there isn’t a great way to do this right now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

@esamelson thanks for the good info! My Android 7 notifications are not showing/working when the app is open but in the background. I’m seeing a slight flicker of the notification on the status bar but it does not stay to be addressed normally. My phone permission settings for my app’s notifications are fully enabled.

Here are the permissions I’m sending with app.json:

      "permissions": [

I understand the channels and popup from the top does not work on Andrioid 7 but I would like the notification to stay to be addressed. Can you tell me anything else I can check or try to fix? Thanks

Hey @multitown - I just tried to repro this on Android 7 and was not able to. Could you perhaps open a GH issue for this and fill out the template there fully so that we can repro exactly what you’re seeing? The type of device you’re using would be helpful to know too. Thanks!

Okay @esamelson thanks! My android is a Alcatel Raven LTE (Model A574BL) running version 7.1.1. I filed an issue here.

Thank you for your confirmation. Hope Expo team support this feature soon. :slight_smile:

Thank you so~ much, Expo Team.

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