Anforderungen an die Ziel-API-Ebene ab August 2020

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: latest / 38 / expo-cli@3.22.3
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android

Replace this section with as much relevant information as possible and any relevant code along with your question.

Build is running fine, The google store shows the following warnings that prevent setting it live for internal testing
Anforderungen an die Ziel-API-Ebene ab August 2020 - API Level 29 is required
Not optimized Code

Any Ideas what I can do ?

That sounds like the same issue as this thread:

It seems that the Expo team will have to update the build service to target Android 10 (API Level 29). If you can’t wait you could look into building it yourself instead of using Expo’s build service.

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The Expo team is working on this issue:

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