Any graph library?

I want to use graph library inside my expo project and few of them I found need to do react-native link and I really don’t like it.

Above library looks simple and design is pretty nice and I want to use something like this. Is there any way without detaching expo?

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Have you looked at react-native-webview with react-d3-basic? I have not tried it but it looks possible on initial examination.

here’s an example of using victory-native:
this one works too:


also you can use webviews for charts and it works quite well! + codesharing from web, where the best charting libs exist. see: app for an example of charts in webviews.

I just found a react-native chart library that works at expo environment (don’t need to “react-native link” any library to android/ios project)


React Native Chart Kit seems to work with Expo too.

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react-native-chart-kit worked for me as well with the latest Expo (v33 right?)
Now to check its capabilities, but should be good at least for static charts.

Hi, Im trying to use it in “expo”: “^35.0.0”, but I’m getting errors, have you tried to use it in this newest version?

What errors are you getting?