App crashes after publishing changes to release channel

I’ve built a new app with bare workflow. Basically, we created a new project and moved the codebase from ejected project.
I’ve build an Android release, the app works correctly on the device. However, once I publish something (even none changes) to the release channel of an installed app, it crashes with an error message:

My envConfig:

import * as Updates from 'expo-updates';

let envConfig = {};


if (__DEV__) {

envConfig = require('./production.js').default;

} else if (Updates.releaseChannel === 'testing_sfra') {

envConfig = require('./SFRAtest.js').default;

} else if (Updates.releaseChannel === 'dev_sfra') {

envConfig = require('./SFRAdev.js').default;

} else if (Updates.releaseChannel === 'pre-production') {

envConfig = require('./production.js').default;

} else if (Updates.releaseChannel === 'production') {

envConfig = require('./production.js').default;

} else {

envConfig = require('./production.js').default;


module.exports = envConfig;

The alert(Updates.releaseChannel) displays the channel correctly.

Any ideas what is wrong?