App Icon remain as expo default icon although I already changed it.

Expo icon appears instead of my app icon I tried to change it’s name and build IPA again but the problem still persist … Where is the issue here?

app.json file:

    "expo": {
        "name": "FixX Expert",
        "slug": "FixX-E",
        "privacy": "public",
        "sdkVersion": "36.0.0",
        "platforms": [
        "ios": {
            "bundleIdentifier": "com.companyName.*",
            "usesIcloudStorage": true,
            "supportsTablet": false,
            "buildNumber": "5",
            "config": {
                "googleMapsApiKey": "AIzaSyDgHWZ3N3L-TZRvGcJ4JfJoaAAkbgwsoOU"
           "infoPlist": {
               "NSCameraUsageDescription": "FixX app requires access to your camera to let you add pictures to added task or your profile.",
               "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "FixX app needs to access your camera roll so that you can upload images. Your images will not be shared without your permission.",
               "NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "FixX app needs to access your camera roll so that you can upload images. Your images will not be shared without your permission.",
               "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "FixX app needs to access your location so that you can complete your profile and filter by location. Your Location will not be shared without your permission."
       "android": {
            "package": "com.companyName.*",
            "versionCode": 3,
            "permissions": [
           "config": {
               "googleMaps": {
                   "apiKey": "AIzaSyDgHWZ3N3L-TZRvGcJ4JfJoaAAkbgwsoOU"
      "version": "1.0.4",
      "orientation": "portrait",
      "icon": "./assets/logo.png",
      "splash": {
          "image": "./assets/logo.png",
          "resizeMode": "contain",
          "backgroundColor": "#ffffff"
     "updates": {
         "fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0
     "assetBundlePatterns": [

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