Attempt to invoke virtual method '$ConstantState.newDrawable(android.content.res.Resources)' on a null object reference

expo CLI is not showing this error
but the expo client(app) does…
As far my research says the issue related to underlineColorAndroid
need help!!

Hey @officialrj18,

Is your project a standard Expo project or have you ejected?



Hey @adamjnav
I am facing the exact same problem with Textinput giving same error, only fix that someone found is to change styles.xml [NullPointerException:tempt to invoke virtual method '$ConstantState.newDrawable(android.content.res.Resources)' · Issue #17530 · facebook/react-native · GitHub]
unfortunately in normal expo project we can’t change native files, is there any way to fix that without ejecting and losing ability to use expo notification module?

Here is a snack example showcasing the bug.

[crash occurs only on android]


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hey @adamjnav

I haven’t ejected it yet,It’s a completely STANDARD EXPO PROJECT.



Upstream issue (React Native).
Expo Issue

There doesn’t appear to be any workaround available right now for expo users.
If I find something, I’ll share it here and on the github issue page.


I’m facing the same.
I expect to fix as soon as

Issue occurs some time with app standalone-apps

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