AuthSession on Android always returns a "cancel" result

Hi all,

We’ve implemented an OAuth flow on our mobile app that works successfully on iOS using either WebBrowser or AuthSession. However, this same flow always returns { result: 'cancel' } on Android. The redirect back to our application is done using an API endpoint and app link (i.e. exp://...), which is a requirement of our authorization server.

Why does Android receive a result type of ‘cancel’ when iOS receives a result type ‘success’ (with parameters)?

Expo Client latest
Expo SDK v26.0.0

Thanks so much!

Hi there @relishworks - I think this may be because AuthSession is not natively supported on Android and just uses WebBrowser behind the scenes, meaning not as much information is able to be sent back to the app afterwards. @notbrent may be able to provide some more clarification.

Hi @relishworks - sorry for the double post. I’m told this may be a bug, actually, as this is not the expected behavior on Android. Tracking it internally, but if it’s easy for you to create a simple repro of this, would you mind opening a github issue for it?

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