BlueWallet - Bitcoin Wallet

Thin Bitcoin Wallet. Built with React Native, Expo and BlockCypher API.

Build and run on your own using Expo Client
Private keys never leave your device
SegWit-first. Replace-By-Fee support
Alpha version, do not rely on it too much for now!


Awesome! Thanks for sharing, @overtorment!

Would love to hear about your experience developing BlueWallet – in particular, if there were any issues you encountered or aspects you found frustrating while building with Expo. We’re always looking to improve and DX stories are a great way to figure out what we need to focus on!



I had issues with expo build, after which some libraries were broken and unusable. Had to google for workarounds and patch some files in node_modules so the builder wont break anything.
Well, thats sorted for now.

At the moment supporting TCP sockets would really help.

Thanks for information.
What do think about wallet
Bob, 32