Build failing because of codesign

Our iOS builds are failing. I’ve tried re-uploading certs and removing provisioning profile from certs (and letting Expo generate it again). Any idea what is causing this problem? I’ve see multiple posts on forum with a similar error but none of these have any responses.

Error: codesign ident not present in find-identity
Looking for identities matching "(XD5873KR4P)"
     0 valid identities found

Build it: 7e5c8a0d-13ba-4347-9563-ee82b60bba14

Thanks for any help.

I see that your last build succeeded - did you manage to figure out this issue?


yes, I think it was something regarding the certificates. Although I didn’t manage to figure out what exactly was it. Removing all certs and letting Expo regenerate them helped.

Thank you!

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Glad you got it sorted, @peller!

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