Call expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync() with my back through a proxy

Hello guys !

I’m using expo-server-sdk-node and trying to send ExpoPushNotifications to mobile.
Due to interne politics, our backend can not reach an external server unless through our proxy.

So I need to use expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync(chunk) through proxy.
Is there any solution to instruct expo-server-sdk-node/ExpoClient.ts at master · expo/expo-server-sdk-node · GitHub to use a proxy ?..

To resume the situation, the “normal” situation is :

  • Backend (using expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync()) ==request==> Expo Server.
    My situation right now :
  • Backend (using expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync()) ==request BLOCKED==> Expo Server.
    What I need due to interne politics :
  • Backend (using expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync()) ==Use my company proxy URI to pass the request ==> Expo Server

Thank you for your help !

The Expo constructor accepts an option named httpAgent that you can pass in like new Expo({ httpAgent: yourProxyAgent }). I haven’t tested this with a proxy but I believe you can pass in a standard Node.js https.Agent object as the httpAgent option.

Agents that conform to this interface (you could try GitHub - TooTallNate/node-https-proxy-agent: An HTTP(s) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTPS endpoints) are probably a good place to start.

new Expo({ httpAgent: 'https://myproxy.intranet:1234' })does not work… :frowning:

Getting as error :
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "options.agent" property must be one of type Agent-like Object, undefined, or false. Received type string.

Do you know if it’s possible or not to pass an httpAgent as argument ? It seems to only accept undefined or false.

you should read the github url that @ide linked to. you provided a string as your httpAgent, but as @ide said it needs to conform to the node https.Agent interface

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This is where the agent gets passed into node-fetch. Start here and debug to figure out the solution: expo-server-sdk-node/ExpoClient.ts at 48cb6c139f9b2c7afd0ac80957039fc866b17f9a · expo/expo-server-sdk-node · GitHub

Sorry for the missunderstanding.

I am now correctly using ressources given in the first reply :

let expo = new Expo({
  httpAgent: new HttpsProxyAgent({
    protocol: `https`,
    host: `proxy.intranet`,
    port: 1234,

I still get a strange error, that I can’t define if it is relative to Expo, our Proxy, or my code…

FetchError: request to failed, reason: write EPROTO 4463953344:error:1
408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:

    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/Users/users/Desktop/Workspace/node_modu
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:203:13)
    at onerror (/Users/users/Desktop/Workspace/node_modules/https-proxy-ag
    at callbackError (/Users/users/Desktop/Workspace/node_modules/https-pr
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:85:5) {
  message: 'request to failed, reason: write EPROTO 4463953344:error:1
408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:
  type: 'system',
  errno: 'EPROTO',
  code: 'EPROTO'

I tried with protocol: http and got this error :

message: 'request to failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate',

The version I used for https-proxy-agent is ^4.0.0, I tried to downgrade to ^3.0.0 but still the same both errors.

Please, do you have any idea ?
Thank you for your time and your help…

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