Can' update App in PlayStore / Problems with signing and fingerprint

Just as a hint/help for other users:

  1. absolute new project
  2. project was already submitted to Google Play Store (with activated Google App Signing) but without calling the “expo opt-in-google-play” command
  3. Always chosen “Let expo handle it” (never myself)

After trying to update the binaries (due to changes inside the app.json and the broken Keyboard on Android on SDK 36), I got the message, that the fingerprint is wrong. Trying to fetch hashes or upload:cert always ends in the error.

I requested an upload key reset on Google now and they already answered. I build a new binary, this time I generated an upload cert and “jks” myself and chosen to use my own credentials. I build the App-Bundle with --clear-credentials / -c. Now I have to wait for Google to update my provided .PEM file. But it should work afterwards.

If I try to fetch the upload key now, it works, but it’s just pointless, as its only returning my OWN upload cert back to me, which might be useful in case if I lose it, but I needed it before I generated one myself. I don’t know if this is expected or bad documented.

Hope this is gonna help you folks. But for me, as a new EXPO user, this was a terrible first start using the CLI and let Expo handle it, because it failed HARD right after my first try to update a binary.

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