Cannot build on iOS - Credentials seem to be in a mess

Hi everyone. I’m running into problems building for the iOS app store.

I think expo has some old credentials saved but I can’t remove them. If I use expo credentials:manager -p ios I can verify that nothing is setup, but when I run expo build:ios (or expo build:ios -c ) I don’t get asked if I’d like expo to handle all the creations, it just tells me that it failed to prepare the credentials:

(base) Toms-MBP-3 tom$ expo build:ios
? Choose the build type you would like: archive
Checking if there is a build in progress...
? Do you have access to the Apple account that will be used for submitting this app to the App Store? Yes
Please enter your Apple Developer Program account credentials. These credentials are needed to manage certificates, keys and provisioning profiles in your Apple Developer account.
The password is only used to authenticate with Apple and never stored
Learn more here
? Apple ID:
? Password (for [hidden]
Authenticating to Apple Developer Portal...
Authenticated with Apple Developer Portal successfully!
Only 1 team associated with your account, using Apple Team with ID: XXXXXXXX
Fetching available credentials
✔ App ID found on Apple Developer Portal.
Failed to prepare all credentials.
The next time you build, we will automatically use the following configuration:
... I cancelled at this point

I’ve tried allowing the build to continue as well but it just fails.
How can I convince Expo to just burn everything and start over? Thanks :slight_smile:

Possibly related: I have removed the app in appstoreconnect, but I can’t remove the identifier in Sign In - Apple it errors saying it’s in use in the App Store (which it isn’t)

Also possibly related, I have two experiences with the same name, but different bundle IDs:

tom$ expo credentials:manager -p ios
Fetching available credentialsAvailable credentials for iOS apps
Application credentials
  Experience: @ourteam/appNameAlpha, bundle identifier:
    Provisioning profile is missing. It will be generated during the next build
    Apple Team ID: XXXXXX,  Apple Team Name: ---------
  Experience: @ourteam/appNameAlpha, bundle identifier:
    Provisioning profile is missing. It will be generated during the next build
    Apple Team ID: XXXXXX,  Apple Team Name: ---------

This turned out to be a badly set EXPO_IOS_DIST_P12_PASSWORD in my environment variables

Hi, I’m having the same issue. How did you end up resolving it?
Thanks, Ozge

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