Cannot find standalone apk file

Hi all,

i tried building a standalone app for android

d build seems fine.

however, i like to have a standalone apk file which i can install on my own android phone. i can’t seem to find the apk file or any link to download the apk file. Based on the docs, i should see a url of a .apk

i only get an url to download my app which also needs the user to have expo on their android phone to work

any way to just have a standalone apk file? do i need to eject my app from expo to achieve this? tq

I tried building again n now it builds.

now, i got parsing error. will check this one out

however, d apk file can be built now. tq

For anybody reading this thread later on, you can find a link to the apk file by running exp build:status, as detailed here.

Hi, did you ever fix the parsing error?

I have the same problem

Hi, on ya terminal, u might want to run exp build:android

exp build:status

U ll receive an url to download apk when ready
