Can't download file only on ios, with redirect download link

SDK Version: 36
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): iOS

I want to download from a website some docuements of a private accounts. To download this files i use the redirect link of the accounts private folder. I use this code:

_openLink = (link, name, warn) => {
        var offwarn = !this.state.offline && warn; 

        if (name !== undefined) {
            const tmpname = FileSystem.documentDirectory + name.replace("/", "-").replace("^", ".").replace(/\s/g, "");

            if (downloads[name] == undefined && !offwarn) {
                if (!this.state.offline) {
                    FileSystem.downloadAsync(link, tmpname).then((value: FileSystem.DownloadResult) => {
                        var extension = value.headers["Content-Type"].split("application/")[1];
                        var finalname = tmpname + "." + extension;
                        FileSystem.moveAsync({ from: tmpname, to: finalname }).then(() => {
                            downloads[name] = finalname;
                            this._openLink(link, name, warn)
                } else {
                    alert("File non scaricato");

            } else {
                const filename: string = downloads[name];
                FileSystem.getInfoAsync(filename).then((value: FileSystem.FileInfo) => {
                    if (value.exists && !offwarn)
                        this._openPdf(filename, link, false);
                    else {
                        delete downloads[name]
                        this._openLink(link, name, warn)
        } else {
            this.delLink = true;

Sample link:

When i tried to download a pdf document from android client its work correctly. Console print as Content-Type “application/pdf”.
When i use this code on ios, with the same link, it doesn’t download the document, but the download page. So the console print as Content-Type html/text.

I think that iOS doesn’t support redirect download link. In fact, I tried to use this code to another website with same redirect download link type and on android I can download my file, but on iOS I download the html page.

Other website tested:

Thank you.

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