Can't install expo-cli, hangs on installing @expo/traveling-fastlane-linux@1.9.9

I’m trying to install expo-cli so I can complete a React tutorial Introduction · React Native, but when I do so using npm install -g expo-cli, the installer hangs:

[ …] \ extract:@expo/traveling-fastlane-linux: sill extract @expo/traveling-fastlane-linux@1.9.9 extracted to C:\Users\edkol\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules.staging@expo\traveling-fastlane-linux-db114743 (362890ms)

This is the last message I get from the installer; then it just hangs and I’ve let it run over 15 minutes to no avail. How can I complete the installation of expo-cli so I can use React?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello @ekolis am having the same problem please do you mind telling me how to solve it ?

I have same problem can you share solution?

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Perhaps downloading the package failed and the local npm cache is now corrupt somehow? Can you try running npm cache verify and then install again?

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Still, after clear cache there is same issue.
Please give a final solution.

I spent a few days on the same issue.

I attempted to install expo-cli on Windows 10 pro

Expected Behaviour
I ran npm install -g expo-cli on a Windows 10 Pro and It should install expo cli successfully

Observed Behavior
Installing stopped with the following warnings

npm WARN tarball tarball data for @expo/traveling-fastlane-darwin@1.11.4 (sha512-1rNq4yMHGfmYhUJuBH5lKpmHVAa5QjgXbv3MoMqsFrlnwzDaq4qHSs6s/RWHw+gmk5lASEhmW32ALArAxX9ceA==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time

Nodejs v10.13.0
NPM v6.13.6
Windows 10 pro

I got this fixed by downgrading to expo-cli@3.5.0

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Follow the steps :-

  • First, run npm cache verify.

  • Open Windows PowerShell as administrator and run npm install expo-cli --global --no-optional command.

How do you downgrade?


npm i expo-cli@3.5.0

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hi guys
pls help me
i have problem with install expo-cli
the cmd hangs !!!
i do everything but not working

run npm i expo-cli@3.5.0

Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa here:
Was having the same problem even after doing
sudo npm install expo-cli --global

Step 1:
npm cache verify

Step-2: (now do it)
sudo npm install expo-cli --global

Worked for me. Installed the version 3.22.1 !