Capture WebView Communication

I’m working on an app where I need to interact with a webview. Essentially I need to call a function in the webview and capture (somehow) what it returns.

Essentially the parent class has a button. This buttons triggers a function called in the child class which sends a message to the webview. The webview then sends a message back which triggers the onMessage() function. So my question basically is, How can the parent function testFunc() access the data the webview returned.

Here is a simplified example of the child class.

export default class Child extends Component {
  sendMessageToWebView = () => {
    this.webview.postMessage("Hello WebView, from React Native");

  html = () => {
       document.addEventListener("message", function(data) {
         window.postMessage("Hello from WebView :)");

  onMessage = (data) => {

  render() {
    return (
          ref={(view) => { this.webview = view; }}
          source={{ html() }}

Here is an example of the parent class

export default class Parent extends Component {
  testFunc = () => {

  render() {
    return (
         <Button onPress={this.testFunc} title={'Test'} />
         <Child ref={child => {this.child = child}} />

I have thought about using states, but I end up with a similar problem. How does the parent function know when the state has been changed in the child class.

Snack Link: WebView Communication Test - Snack

Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

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