Could not find the expected embedded asset AntDesign.ttf. Check that expo-updates is installed correctly

Hi, thank you for answer!

Maybe I don’t understand how to make fonts embedded inside app binary? @expo/vector-icons was always working for me in Debug and Release builds before i moved to Bare flow.
I never did caching fonts like here but it was working fine: Asset Caching - Expo Documentation - i don’t think that i have to always preload all fonts because i am not even using AntDesign icons in my project.

After all failures with expo-icons I removed them and moved to react-native-vector-icons and configured them by adding to Resources in xcode and to Info.plist. It was working fine in debug.This was a problem Babel preset @expo/vector-icons module resolution but it is resolvable for now with custom babel preset - but i will be very happy if someone can give me some link to read or answer some questions about it :smiley:
But the same error was popping up again in Release on app start.

After I deleted expo dependency - I was able to make app work in Release with react-native-vector-icons without any crashes but updates stopped working for me.

My setup unusual and has custom metro.config.js but it is only configured to watch some folders outside root.
Here is config:

const path = require('path');
const installedDependencies = require("./package.json").dependencies;

const extraNodeModules = {};
const extraModulesArray = [];
Object.keys(installedDependencies).forEach(dep => {
    extraNodeModules[dep] = path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules", dep);
    extraModulesArray.push(path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules", dep))

const blacklist = require('metro-config/src/defaults/blacklist');

module.exports = {
        path.resolve(__dirname, '../requester'),
        path.resolve(__dirname, "../store"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, "../reducers"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, "../actions"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, "../hocs"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, "../middlewares"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, "../utils")
    resolver: {
        /* resolver options */
        blacklistRE: blacklist([
    transformer: {
        /* transformer options */
        assetPlugins: ['expo-asset/tools/hashAssetFiles']
    serializer: {
        /* serializer options */
    server: {
        /* server options */

    /* general options */

I still thing that there is something strange about @expo/vector-icons installed as dependency of expo and it is causing some havoc for me.

How I can check if my fonts are embedded or not and where expo-updates checking it?