Could not find the following native modules: RNCAsyncStorage, RNDateTimePicker, RNCMaskedView, etc., Did you forget to run "pod install"?

I just updated Expo SDK from 39.0 → 40.0

I ran ‘expo eject’

When i run ‘yarn ios’, I am getting

Could not find the following native modules: RNCAsyncStorage, RNDateTimePicker, RNCMaskedView, react-native-appearance, RNGestureHandler, react-native-maps, RNReanimated, react-native-safe-area-context, RNScreens. Did you forget to run “pod install” ?

running “pod install” inside ios directory tells me

InvalidPodfilefile: cannot load such file -- mydirectory/packages/mobile/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules.

I delete the podfile

i run ‘pod init’
i run ‘pod install’

pod file is generated and it has no dependencies.

I delete node_modules

I run ‘yarn install’

i run ‘yarn ios’

I get

Could not find the following native modules: RNCAsyncStorage, RNDateTimePicker, RNCMaskedView, react-native-appearance, RNGestureHandler, react-native-maps, RNReanimated, react-native-safe-area-context, RNScreens. Did you forget to run “pod install” ?

Is this an issue with expo eject?

I have found lots of similar questions but no answers have been able to help me move forward with this.

Do I need to add these modules to the podfile? I am not an IOS developer so this is a bit new to me.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Hey @kriscodes, make sure you’ve installed your node_modules and then run pod install in your ios directory. If you’re still getting issues, I would recommend starting from a clean slate by reverting back to the commit before you ejected. Clearing caches is usually a good thing to try as well.


I was able to resolve this particular issue by changing the directory that was generated at the beginning when ejecting expo.

inside my podfile there were some ‘require relative …/node_modules/blablabla’

these paths that were generated did not point to the location of the actual modules.

One was for ‘cocoapods.rb’ and the other was ‘native_modules’

After fixing these paths I ran into another error saying ‘deployment target was set to 8.0’. I fixed this.

Now I am dealing with 1 error and 1 warning.

The fatal error is stating ‘EXUpdates/EXUpdatesAppController.h’ file not found

The warning is stating: Capabilities for signing & capabilities may not function correctly because its entitlements use a placeholder team ID. To resolve this select a development team in the editor.

Should I open another issue for this? I am now just running into these, so I am actively looking for solutions right now.