current versions seems very unstable? Redux problem?

Hi there,

We really love using Expo for our app in production. What you guys make possible to the whole app economy is enorme. It’s just since version v27, everything seems very unstable to me and leads to a sometimes frustrating developing experience.
On Android, sometimes I can get the app running, sometimes not at all no matter what I try. It freezes at the splash screen. When I save the code, many times I need to manually restart the app.
On my dev iPhone it works perfectly fine though.
Sometimes the iOS simulator app crashes or redux-persist shows a huge error and resets the saved state (never in the compiled app)
I tried restarting Expo XDE, the app, clearing cache etc. Sometimes it just won’t run.
v26 seemed to run way smoother.

I use mac OS High Sierra, Android 8.0, Expo XDE 2.24.4, basically everything up-to-date. My colleague uses windows and has the same problems.
In our App.js we basically just import the navigator and redux, nothing fancy. The whole app is pretty basic to be honest. In store.js we use redux, redux-logger, redux-persist, redux-thunk, { composeWithDevTools } from redux-devtools-extension

I thought I will wait one month and the coming version will fix everything but there was no update for a while now.

Just wanted to share with you my experience and I am curious if I am the only one?

I’ve seen the app crash in the iOS simulator a lot over recent weeks - not sure that it was after SDK27 though.

Will try and pull the device logs next time.

if there are any information I can provide to help to solve this problem, let me know

If you can collect crash logs from your device, that would probably help.
It’s hard to know what is causing the crashes you’re seeing. In general, we’re not aware of increased instability in recent releases but its certainly possible that some configuration on your devices or in your setup or in your app is the cause of a lot of these crashes.

Here is what I see in the iOS Simulator logs after a recent crash:

Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP SpringBoard[23621]: UNSUserNotificationServerConnectionListener connection invalidated
Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP[23597] (UIKitApplication:host.exp.Exponent[0x70a7][23706]): Service exited due to Abort trap: 6
Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP backboardd[23623]: [Common] Unable to get short BSD proc info for 23706: No such file or directory
Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP backboardd[23623]: [Common] Unable to get proc info for 23706: No such file or directory
Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP SpringBoard[23621]: [KeyboardArbiter] HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP[23597] ([23711]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP[23597] ([23710]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Jun 12 10:47:01 MBP assertiond[23626]: notify_suspend_pid() failed with error 7

And another:

Jun 12 12:58:36 MBP backboardd[23623]: [Common] Unable to get short BSD proc info for 24622: No such process
Jun 12 12:58:36 MBP SpringBoard[23621]: UNSUserNotificationServerConnectionListener connection invalidated
Jun 12 12:58:36 MBP backboardd[23623]: [Common] Unable to get proc info for 24622: No such process
Jun 12 12:58:36 MBP SpringBoard[23621]: [KeyboardArbiter] HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Jun 12 12:58:36 MBP[23597] (UIKitApplication:host.exp.Exponent[0xb32e][24622]): Service exited due to Segmentation fault: 11
Jun 12 12:58:36 MBP[23597] ([24627]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Jun 12 12:58:36 MBP[23597] ([24626]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1

hey @mlight, thanks a bunch for these logs. We usually keep track of bug reports at Issues · expo/expo · GitHub . If you could describe the steps you took to get these errors in the github issue, or any details that you think would help us root cause the problem, that would be great. thanks!

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