Detaching to ExpoKit in order to add AR (SDK 28)

Hi all,

So, we are in the prosess of experimenting with AR on mobile. The recent release of Expo 28 made this support substantially better, thank you! However, I’m having a difficult time creating a final ipa build that works.

Following the documentation provided under “Enabling Optional Expo Modules on iOS” you need to:

  1. Detach
  2. Include the appropriate subspec in your Podfile.


The way I read this is to change this part of the original Podfile created after detach:
(Git links changed due to restrictions of nr of links in a post for new users)
target ‘xxxxxx’ do
pod ‘ExpoKit’,
:git => “http:// /expo/expo.git”,
:tag => “ios/2.6.7”,
:subspecs => [
:inhibit_warnings => true

into this:

target ‘toleio’ do
pod ‘ExpoKit’,
:git => “http:// github. com/expo/expo.git”,
:tag => “ios/2.6.7”,
:subspecs => [
:inhibit_warnings => true

Adding “AR” as a subspec.

This compiles, however it does´t work. Anyone know what I’m missing?

i did this a while ago, here is my file let me know if it helps if not just look into that repo and see whats different. i was using expo v25

Hope it helps


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