Do anyone know what is the latest message structure for SNS or FCM push message

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 36.0.0
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android for now

I have an expo app (not ejected) that I am using to test push notifications. So far I was able to follow all steps and get push notification working.
I get

const { data: token, type: platform } = await this.getDevicePushToken();

and was able to send notifications from SNS using

aws sns publish      
--endpoint-url https://sns.[*******]      
--target-arn 'arn:aws:sns:[*******]:103233932089:endpoint/GCM/reactexpoapp/xxxxx-b7cd-b3ccf4ff83f1'     
 --message  '{"default":"Hello world","GCM":"{\"notification\":{\"body\":\"Hello world\",\"title\":\"Hello world\",\"tag\":1581000537793}}"}'      
 --message-structure json

and I get the push message. But now to actually read the message I added the handler using

  1. Message sent from Expo push tool shows up in handler
  2. Message from SNS does not trigger the handler
  3. Message from this old topic Issues Listening to Incoming Notifications with native, raw device token (standalone app) does not show up at all.

I am assuming the template has changed. Do anyone know what is the latest message structure for SNS or FCM either?


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