Ejected App Not loading the requested app (30.0.0)

@tsapeta This is slightly off topic but wanted someone on the expo team to be aware.

You can see my note here: Build /bin/sh Error after Ejecting 30.0.0 - #4 by scasarotto

It seemed like I needed exp installed to get my app to run even though the docs (https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/expokit/eject.html) don’t mention it.

If you don’t have it, run npm install -g expo-cli to get our command line library.

If this is just a problem with my system or 30.0.0 and not 30.0.1 then feel free to disregard. It might be worth someone in the Expo team to just test this and if it is required add it to the docs to reduce any issues for others.

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