Error 400: invalid_request Invalid parameter value for redirect_url: Missing authority: Sendmoney24:/oauth2redirect/google

SDK Version: 40
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): IOS

async googleAuthS() {
        let config = { 
            iosClientId: PM.settingsParam('google_iosClientId'),
            androidClientId: PM.settingsParam('google_androidClientId'),
            iosStandaloneAppClientId: PM.settingsParam('google_iosStandaloneAppClientId')
        try {
            const { type, accessToken, user } = await Google.logInAsync(config);
            console.log('type', type);
            if (type === "success") {
                console.log('success! user', user);
            } else {
        } catch (e) {
            console.log('e.message', e.message);

I’ve made a standalone app, deploy them to TestFlight
– expo build:ios
– upload .ipa to App Store Connect

In TestFlight app app I getting an error after clicking Google Auth button:

Error 400: invalid_request  
Invalid parameter value for redirect_url: Missing authority: Sendmoney24:/oauth2redirect/google


In Expo app there is no such error.

Google credentials created for IOS app.




I will be grateful for any help.

I have had the exact same issue and I ended up using the expo-google-sign-in package:

Here is my post with what looks to be the same issue

Here is the post on another thread

Hopefully Expo SDK 41 comes with a fix or better docs on how to get it working.

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Thank you very much!
Yesterday I found my error as you found :slight_smile: I used expo-google-app-auth. expo-google-sign-in helped me )

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That is great! Have a great day! Happy coding!

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