Error with expo upload:android

I get the following (base) withhislight|deployment⚡ ⇒ bexpo upload:android --key ~/.google/api-5341601286878465391-889657-78fac3ed9bfa.json
Downloading build from
Downloading [========================================================================================================================================================] 100% 0.0s
| Summary for supply 2.117.1 |
| apk | /tmp/aflorithmic_labs_beta_18_4_201 |
| | 9_v2-f13aac5e9b1449a4923ec3d3d0f94e |
| | 81-signed.apk |
| package_name | com.aflorithmic.withhislight2 |
| json_key | /Users/peadarcoyle/.google/api-5341 |
| | 601286878465391-889657-78fac3ed9bfa |
| | .json |
| track | internal |
| skip_upload_apk | false |
| skip_upload_aab | false |
| skip_upload_metadata | false |
| skip_upload_images | false |
| skip_upload_screenshots | false |
| validate_only | false |
| check_superseded_tracks | false |
| timeout | 300 |
| deactivate_on_promote | true |
Failed to upload the standalone app to the app store.
Google Api Error: forbidden: Forbidden
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

Is this a credentials error with my .json? Or what?

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