Expo app running locally but not in production.

I have published an expo app here: Expo. The app is public and runs locally without any errors but does not run in production. It also runs for my account when I’m signed in but not for anyone else.

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I am having the same exact issue with my project. Working locally or if I’m signed into expo but doesn’t work from the link if I’m not signed in. It seems that I can sign out of my account and still run the project however, as long as I was signed in the first time I tried to open the project. This issue occurs on Android and iOS

Hey bslucas,

I read in the expo docs that you can’t share a published link on iOS due to restrictions from apple. You can read it here: https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/workflow/publishing/#on-ios-you-cant-share-your-published. They suggest that you share the app through test flight instead. It should work for android though. You should also check the babel.config.js because some libraries require that you add production plugins. Hope this helps.


module.exports = function(api) {
  return {
    presets: ["babel-preset-expo"],
    env: {
      production: {
        plugins: ["react-native-paper/babel"]
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