expo build:ios -c Failed to set up Distribution Certificate

Expo CLI 3.20.1 environment info:
OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.6
Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
Node: 10.16.1 - /usr/local/bin/node
npm: 6.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm
Android Studio: 3.5 AI-191.8026.42.35.5977832
Xcode: 10.3/10G8 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
expo: ^37.0.0 => 37.0.7
react: 16.9.0 => 16.9.0
react-dom: 16.9.0 => 16.9.0
react-native: https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-37.0.0.tar.gz => 0.61.4
react-native-web: ^0.11.7 => 0.11.7
expo-cli: 3.20.1

I’ve been stuck on this error for days!!! Even after clearing provisioning profiles, recreating them I ALWAYS get this error now. I tried installing turtle-cli and get the same thing… Please help!

$ expo build:ios -c
? Choose the build type you would like: archive

Checking if there is a build in progress…

Configuring credentials for <expo_username> in project <project_name>
? Do you have access to the Apple account that will be used for submitting this app to the App Store? Yes
Please enter your Apple Developer Program account credentials. These credentials are needed to manage certificates,
keys and provisioning profiles in your Apple Developer account.
The password is only used to authenticate with Apple and never stored
Learn more here (​https://bit.ly/2VtGWhU​)
? Apple ID: <my_apple_developer_account_email>
? Password (for matt.ritzman@digitalglobe.com): [hidden]
Authenticating to Apple Developer Portal…
Authenticated with Apple Developer Portal successfully!
Only 1 team associated with your account, using Apple Team with ID: <my_team_id>
Fetching available credentials
:heavy_check_mark: App ID found on Apple Developer Portal.
Failed to set up Distribution Certificate
Failed to prepare all credentials.
The next time you build, we will automatically use the following configuration:

Project Credential Configuration:
Experience: @<expo_username>/, bundle identifier: <my_bundle_id>
Provisioning profile is missing. It will be generated during the next build
Apple Team ID: <my_team_id>, Apple Team Name: ---------

In order to provide a Distribution Certificate through the CLI parameters, you have to pass --dist-p12-path parameter,
–team-id parameter and set EXPO_IOS_DIST_P12_PASSWORD environment variable.
Error: In order to provide a Distribution Certificate through the CLI parameters, you have to pass --dist-p12-path par
ameter, --team-id parameter and set EXPO_IOS_DIST_P12_PASSWORD environment variable.
at getDistCertFromParams (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/src/credentials/views/IosDistCert.ts:665:11)
at IOSBuilder._setupDistCert (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/src/commands/build/ios/IOSBuilder.ts:175:40)
at IOSBuilder.produceCredentials (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/src/commands/build/ios/IOSBuilder.ts:258:16
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

Hi! from the error message, it looks like the CLI is detecting that one of those parameters (most likely the environment variable) is set so it assumes you’re trying to provide your own distribution certificate. Can you try running the same command, but preface it with env -i to run with a totally clean environment?

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