expo eject - can't build iOS with latest version

We’ve just released a new version of ExpoKit (v2.8.4) which solves this issue. Unfortunately, you might need to do expo eject again or just apply below changes to your Xcode project configuration in “Build Phases” tab.

Correct script for “Prepare Expo” phase:

set -eo pipefail

pushd "${SRCROOT}/.."
value="$(cat ~/.expo/PATH)"
PATH="$PATH:$value" expo prepare-detached-build --platform ios

and for “Bundle Expo Assets” phase:

set -eo pipefail

if [ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]; then
  echo "Skipping asset bundling in debug mode."
  exit 0

pushd "${SRCROOT}/.."
value="$(cat ~/.expo/PATH)"
PATH="$PATH:$value" expo bundle-assets --platform ios --dest "$dest"
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