Expo Notification ReceivedListener Wrong Data on Ios

SDK Version: ^38.0.0
Expo Notifications: ~0.3.3
Platforms: Ios

The Problem

On Ios, the method addNotificationReceivedListener on Ios returns a notification with wrong data information.
the following notification.request.content.data isn’t the same com Android and iOS


notification.request.content.data.scheduleID  = rDFSDFyrwERTTdfsDsSA
notification.request.content.data.userId  = fqeWtERGfdsSDfs


notification.request.content.data.scheduleID  = null
notification.request.content.data.userId  = null

How reproduce:

On Push Notification Tool — Expo

body = [{
    to: ['ExponentPushToken[xxxAndroidxxx]','ExponentPushToken[xxxiOSxxx]'],
    title: 'test',
    body: 'test chrome console',
    data: {"scheduleID": "rDFSDFyrwERTTdfsDsSA", "userId": "fqeWtERGfdsSDfs"},
    priority: 'high',
    sound: 'default',
    ttl: 3000,
    channelId: 'default'
fetch('https://exp.host/--/api/v2/push/send', {
    method: 'post',
    body: JSON.stringify(body),
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

On React Native

import { addNotificationReceivedListener } from 'expo-notifications'

addNotificationReceivedListener(notification => {

On Android addNotificationReceivedListener receives: [Right]

Object {
  "date": 1599202933398,
  "request": Object {
    "content": Object {
      "autoDismiss": true,
      "badge": null,
      "body": "test chrome console",
      "data": Object {
        "scheduleID": "rDFSDFyrwERTTdfsDsSA",
        "userId": "fqeWtERGfdsSDfs",
      "sound": "default",
      "subtitle": null,
      "title": "test",
    "identifier": "0:1599202933404964%0ac519e6f9fd7ecd",
    "trigger": ...

On iOS addNotificationReceivedListener receives: [Wrong]

Object {
  "date": 1599202932.617644,
  "request": Object {
    "content": Object {
      "attachments": Array [],
      "badge": null,
      "body": "test chrome console",
      "categoryIdentifier": "",
      "data": Object {
        "aps": Object {
          "alert": Object {
            "body": "test chrome console",
            "launch-image": "",
            "subtitle": "",
            "title": "test",
          "category": "",
          "sound": "default",
          "thread-id": "",
        "body": Object {
          "scheduleID": "rDFSDFyrwERTTdfsDsSA",
          "userId": "fqeWtERGfdsSDfs",
    "identifier": "D5871CD7-8130-4AC6-8465-40CBC20A157F",
    "trigger": ...

@adamjnav, sorry to bother, can someone help clarify if it is really a bug your I lost some info on docs?

@adamjnav, more info about de Ios Native Code:

I’ve recentely opened an issue on GitHub Native Objective C Code:

But I’ve done a workarround and created a fork of expo-notification :





@wodin, do you know someone that can help me solve this?


You’re more likely to get an answer on Monday, but hopefully someone sees your issue or your PR before then.

Unfortunately I haven’t played around with this myself, but I agree it seems wrong for the Android and iOS behaviours to return different structures of data.

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