Expo Notifications - Handling addListener when the app is not open

I have built an app that uses Notifications - when I build the standalone app I am receiving notifications as expected and handling them as mentioned in the Notification document using the addListener - the only issue I seem to be having is when the app is closed (not open in the foreground or background) when I click on a received notification I’m expecting the app to open and navigate to another screen (I’m using react-native-router-flux, redux-persist & firebase authentication) for some reason an error gets thrown when navigating - but when the app is in the foreground or background navigation occurs as expected…

When/Where should I be setting the addListener so that redux-persist can first load up the state before I trigger a navigate action ?

Any help is much appreciated

Hi! Could you please post a How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example - Help Center - Stack Overflow? Hard to debug without more specific information.

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