expo-notifications - No experience found for id

Recently upgraded to Expo 39 and switched to the new expo-notifications. When receiving a push notification on an Android device (standalone APK built by Expo, Pixel 2, Android 11) - no notification is displayed.

I see this error in logcat (redacted credentials):
“expo-notifications: No experience found for id @username/appname”

Notifications work fine when running the app via Expo (expo start), on iOS and Android. They are received and displayed.

I see that Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync() can take experienceId as a param, but managed workflow does not require it, and “Constants.manifest.id” matches what I’m expecting.

I have set app.json to use the new API:
android {
“useNextNotificationsApi”: true,

I’ve read through the guide and API to no avail:

What is the experienceId? Do I need to register it somewhere? Is it okay to run an APK standalone on the same phone as Expo app?

Any help would be appreciated :pray:

@gregchain Did you find out anything here? I’m running into the same issue.

hey guys, sorry you’re running into this

I’ve been testing and working on expo-notifications on SDK 39 recently and haven’t seen this error, so it would help if you shared some code. It’s good to know you have useNextNotificationApi already set, but what’s your client-side notifications logic look like? Specifically, make sure you’re not pulling in {Notifications} from 'expo' anywhere anymore.

This snack is a good example of simple notification handling logic

Finally, lmk if local notifications are working for you and this is only affecting remote notifications

@charliecruzan Thanks for reaching out. The scenario is that I’ve got one codebase that we whitelabel for different clients. In our oldest brand I can run an android build, sideload the apk, and notifications work on the app. I then switch out the branding, app.json (to pull in new ios.bundleIdentifier, android.package, and expo.slug), run the build, sideload and notifications do not work. Running adb logcat I get the following when the notification is pushed to the device and arrives, but fails to do anything.

10-01 00:30:47.607   874   879 E statsd  : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->10350[I] (10)0x30000->GOOGLE_C2DM[S]
10-01 00:30:47.628 28601 30050 E expo-notifications: No experience found for id @<myuser>/<myappname>
10-01 00:30:47.642   874   879 E statsd  : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->10350[I] (10)0x30000->GOOGLE_C2DM[S]

Both apps have their own google-services.json connected to their own Firebase projects. Likewise, both apps have their own FCM API keys loaded to expo. I see in here where this is coming from, but I’m not sure where the ExponentDB is being populated and why it doesn’t have the correct ExperienceID.


Note, this is a managed project using the Expo build service.

And you’re sending push notifications through Expo’s push service, right? When you build, are you building with the --no-publish flag by any chance?

Correct, using Expo’s push service. Same exact server-side on all of our apps. The Android build command we’re using is just:

 $ expo-cli build:android

that’s very odd, so it looks like that entry should be saved in the database when your app launches an update (which it should do on app open), but maybe you can manually trigger that to happen with an OTA update?


We’ve always had OTA updates disabled in app.json. Here are some of the errors that are firing the first time the app launches.

10-01 16:00:37.952 19879 19879 E ExperienceActivity: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'host.exp.exponent.j host.exp.exponent.j.c(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])' on a null object reference
10-01 16:00:38.402 19879 19955 E Expo    : Cannot initialize app loader. host.exp.exponent.taskManager.ExpoHeadlessAppLoader
10-01 16:00:38.402 19879 19955 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: host.exp.exponent.taskManager.ExpoHeadlessAppLoader
10-01 16:00:38.404 19879 19955 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
10-01 16:00:38.404 19879 19955 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454)
10-01 16:00:38.404 19879 19955 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:379)
10-01 16:00:38.404 19879 19955 W System.err: 	at l.d.a.a.a(AppLoaderProvider.java:2)
10-01 16:00:38.404 19879 19955 W System.err: 	at l.d.a.a.b(AppLoaderProvider.java:2)
10-01 16:00:38.404 19879 19955 W System.err: 	at expo.modules.taskManager.TaskService.getAppLoader(TaskService.java:2)
10-01 16:00:38.404 19879 19955 W System.err: 	at expo.modules.taskManager.TaskService.isStartedByHeadlessLoader(TaskService.java:1)

Actually, those errors all fire in both versions of the app I’m testing, but one does receive push notifications. Any other way to debug what could be preventing the loading of the Experience info into that DB?

facing the same issue in my application. Just to test - tried to make new application, and there push notifications works good with expo token

Well we can double-check that the experience ID is correct. Constants.manifest.id should match the value you’re seeing the error logs (I know @gregchain already mentioned he did this, just want to make sure) . @bitzlato it should match the experience ID you’re sending to FCM, as well.

@bitzlato in your issue you said addNotificationResponseReceivedListener, but are the actual notifications coming through or not?

I would try finding the the differences between the two projects you have (1 that works and one that doesn’t), share them here, and also apply them atomically until you find what change result in the “no experience found” error

Finally got it working. After digging through the Android code a lot more it started looking like this had something to do with the AppLoader. We’ve run with OTA updates disabled for a couple of years because we want to manually control how things are released through the stores. Once we set updates.enabled to true, the notifications started working again. This is the line that sent me down this path specifically: expo/AppLoader.java at de84b5ff98b412f63a7e77d6f1e08579eb651d82 · expo/expo · GitHub

Here’s the change in app.json that was required. It’s worth nothing that we’d still much rather have updates disabled, but the need for notifications is significantly more important right now.

    "updates": {
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So for one of your apps has updates enabled (the one where notifications were working), and the other didn’t?

Also, just for us to know, were notifications working correctly for you with "updates.enabled": false in a previous SDK?

@charliecruzan Actually both were using the same setting with updates disabled. However, the older app (created on expo.io about 2 years ago) was working fine. I’m curious if there’s any kind of internal Android caching mechanism that would be causing this, or something different stored within Expo’s build process that’s different for an older app.

Also, the older app used to work with legacy notifications (no FCM/google-services.json), but was upgraded to the next-gen notifications with FCM/google-services.json. The new app has only ever existed since next-gen notifications. Could be part of the difference perhaps.

fyi @jasonvomo we’re going to be fixing this issue soon, thanks again for bringing it up here. We’re tracking in [android][notifications] disabling OTA updates breaks notifications on standalone APK · Issue #10562 · expo/expo · GitHub

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