Expo push notifications does not working in standalone app

My push notifications with standalone app on android does not work(i have not tested for ios yet), but in my expo dev its working like a charm. I build android apk and installed on my device and it is not working. I am working with laravel backend (GitHub - Alymosul/laravel-exponent-push-notifications: Exponent push notifications driver for laravel 5). I am fetching token with this method Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync() and it is seems to work fine because im getting token when im using standalone app and expo dev too. Any advice will be nice, thanks for your time.

hi there! you should check the push receipts for errors, that will give you an idea of what to do next - Sending Notifications with Expo's Push API - Expo Documentation

Hi thanks for reply. I tried but i got this

{“id”:“1ae0e85b-2319-43fd-a0bd-eb80312025fa”,“status”:“error”,“message”:“Failed to authenticate with the FCM server. Ensure the FCM server key you uploaded is correct.”,“details”:{“error”:“InvalidCredentials”,“fault”:“developer”,“fcm”:{“httpStatus”:401,"…

error message: “Failed to authenticate with the FCM server. Ensure the FCM server key you uploaded is correct”.

But when I test with send notification with Firebase in FCM console I got successfully notification on my standalone app. Any hint? Where should I put my FCM server key,in my google-services.json file or somewhere on my backend Laravel? Thanks for your time. I hope so that you will give me feedback! :slight_smile:

I am having similar problem. did you have a solution to this problem?

on this page, you’ll find a Note that says

If you’re not testing in the Expo Go app, make sure you’ve generated the proper push credentials before proceeding! If you haven’t, push notifications will not work.

Once I did that, and downloaded my google-services.json file, I was able to send and receive notifications in my local using my standalone apk.

I am using expo notification . but notification get only myself when click on button. but not get that notification to all installed app client.
Is that possible when i click on button the notification get on all installed app client.

So I have similar issue but the problem relies on the getExpoPushTokenAsync() it doesn’t return the push token.
It works on the Expo go app but on the android build doesn’t
What could it be the issue??