expo turtle build service needs to upgrade xcodebuild to support required iOS 13 or higher

When I run ‘expo upload:ios’ on sdk 38 I’m getting: ERROR ITMS-90725: “SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS SDK. As of June 30, 2020, all apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later, included with Xcode 11 or later.”
See ERROR ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS SDK. As of June 30, 2020, all apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later, included with Xcode 11 or later." · Issue #2328 · expo/expo-cli · GitHub for a bug report.

Hey @maxemt,

As Brent mentioned in the github issue, this is most likely a result of an out of date version of Transporter or whatever Xcode Tool you are using to upload the binary on your machine as Expo apps have iOS 13 support enabled.


I’m using Transporter Version 1.1.1 (1171) and XCode Version 11.3.1 (11C504)… Would these be the issue?

I ask because I was able to build and upload a native version of the app with my local XCode and everything was fine. Any other ideas?

Hi @maxemt,

I got a notification on my Mac from Apple that I needed to upgrade Xcode to support iOS 13. My current version in 11.5 (11E608c). My guess is that’s what you need to upgrade too :slight_smile: