Expo.Updates.checkForUpdateAsync() never resolves in Expo sdk 31

Running "expo": "^31.0.4"

I’m trying to inform my users that a new version is available and provide a button so they can reload the app to the newest version (already in cache).

The code as of now is like this:

constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      loadingIfAnyUpdateAvailable: true,
      newVersionAvailable: false,

componentDidMount = () => {

  checkForUpdates = async () => {
    let update;

      if (!__DEV__) {
        update = await Updates.checkForUpdateAsync();
      } else {
        update = false;
    } catch (e) {
      loadingIfAnyUpdateAvailable: false,
      newVersionAvailable: update ? update.manifest.version : false,

    if (update && update.isAvailable) {
      await Updates.fetchUpdateAsync();

  reloadApp = () => {

  renderAppUpdates = () => {
    if (__DEV__) {
      return (
        <Text style={styles.appVersion}>
          Impossible to check for new versions in development.

    const { newVersionAvailable } = this.state;

    if (this.state.loadingIfAnyUpdateAvailable) {
      return (
        <Text style={styles.appVersion}>
          Checking to see if any new version exists...
    } else if (newVersionAvailable) {
      return (
        <Text style={styles.appVersion}>
           New version is available! <Text onPress={this.reloadApp}>Click here to use it now!</Text>
    return (
      <Text style={styles.appVersion}>
        There are no updates available.

The problem is in production (standalone build) it seems the promise Updates.checkForUpdateAsync() never resolves in production, because this.state.loadingIfAnyUpdateAvailable the never changes to true.

I can’t debug the cause, because in development, the promise fails with [Error: Cannot fetch updates in dev mode]; even if I press p in expo CLI (and confirm __DEV__ === false, so I’m running in production), it still fails with that exact same message.

Any luck on this? I’m looking at implementing something similar soon but haven’t tried publishing yet, just wondering if yours is still not working.

Also, probably just a copy/paste issue but I noticed your try/catch block is missing the try.

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