Expokit push notifications on ejected app.. lots of misinformation (even in expo docs) need clarity.

As far as I know, the Expo push notification service/ tokens wouldn’t work once you’ve ejected.

One nice thing about Expokit is that it already has push notification libraries built-in (it needs them because Expo push notifications eventually become APNS/ FCM/ GCM behind the scenes). I don’t recall this being well-documented in the Expo doc, but I was able to get them working in Expokit. As I recall the steps were:


  • Just add the push notification entitlement to your Expo client. You’ll notice in AppDelegate.m that all of the push notification delegate methods are already wired up.


Hopefully I’m not missing any steps there- it’s been a little while since I did this.

Then, in your JS, you can import Expo.Notifications, and call Notifications.getDevicePushTokenAsync() to get your native token and do whatever you need to do with it.