Facebook Authentication iOS


As per Expo Facebook returns cancel with native IOS facebook app on successful login · Issue #4701 · expo/expo · GitHub, Facebook login on iOS doesn’t work much of the time (some devices on iOS 13 are succesfully logging in…). It always return “type: cancel” even though the authentication succeeded.

Has anyone here a solution for that ?


Hi, we are experiencing the same issue and we are hoping that it will be resolved soon, since web behaviour couldn’t be long-term solution.

Do you think that this has something to do with the fact that in expo/EXFacebook.podspec at master · expo/expo · GitHub the FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKLoginKit are not updated?

Edit: Have you tried behaviour: 'web' ? This works for us. However, it prompts the user to enter his facebook credentials, which makes the login experience worse - not every user remembers his credentials

Yes, behaviour: ‘web’ works, but as you said it’s so slow that way that the goal of putting a “Login with Facebook” button disappear completely. And as you said, a lot of people don’t even remember their credentials…

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