Facebook login native behavior change with iOS 11.0

It seems the Facebook Login native behavior is different with iOS 11.0. (For Standalone app)

Before iOS 11.0:
It opens safari, propose you to connect with facebook app or the facebook account connected on safari mobile.

In iOS 11.0:
It opens safari and ask to enter the email and password. It’s the same behavior as the web behavior (which open a web view dialog) but on safari.

Can anyone confirm this? And find a possible fix?

Probably caused by this…

Hi @arivest, this is something we are working on and planning to ship in SDK 22

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I’m using SDK 22 and standalone apps with Facebook login behavior set to ‘native’, it works fine on Android, but iOS still opens safari (like if i had ‘web’ behavior) and not the native app? Am i missing something or is this the intended behavior?

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Any new updates on this topic?

Unfortunately, @arivest is quite right - third-party app support has been removed along with iOS 11 and native is used instead of system, also native sometimes still falls back to open Safari - see here: Page Not Found - Facebook for Developers

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@quinlanj we also need this. Can you tell what is the state of this feature?

When I set “native” for behavior it works like “web”. I am on iOS 11.2.6

Can you make working behavior “native”?

I see that it is possible as I can login with Facebook app in “Wolt - Food delivery” application on my current iOS version.

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@serhiipalash take a look at the code that is being called here: https://github.com/expo/expo/blob/9586ae5a18ae10f0d3481906a549fff1fab64505/ios/versioned-react-native/ABI26_0_0/Expo/Core/Api/ABI26_0_0EXFacebook.m#L52-L66
This talks a little bit more about sign in: ios - -canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fbauth2:/" (OSStatus error -10814.)" - Stack Overflow
Idk what voodoo Wolt is doing to keep this feature alive - but I would strongly recommend against using an older version of FBSDK as you could run into problems from apple and facebook :scream::apple:

I have created the issue for relative to this bug

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