Facing problem with push notifications on android standalone build using FCM

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 39.0.0
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android

Hello there!
I having no push notifications on standalone build, what i did:

  • added firebase account with app info provided in app.json
  • putted google-services.json into app root and added path in expo.android.googleServicesFile in app.json
  • added key with expo push:android:upload --api-key <my-key> and tried to change it with a new one
  • added android push notification channel in application

Just in case, tried to send push notification on device token from getDevicePushTokenAsync() directly with firebase endpoint using my key and everything works.

sending push notification on token from getExpoPushTokenAsync() doesn’t work at all except iPhone build.

Could you please help me with my problem? maybe i lost something in my steps to make my push notification work properly?

the same!

Hi! You probably need to add android.useNextNotificationsApi to your app.json : app.json / app.config.js - Expo Documentation

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