FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

My app here is working fine during the developing but when i publish it in expo it stops with error message.

[05:05:33] Building iOS bundle
[05:07:21] FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
[05:07:21] Writing Node.js report to file: report.20200623.050721.2168.0.001.json
[05:07:21] <— Last few GCs —>
[05:07:21] [2168:004564B8] 269890 ms: Mark-sweep 494.0 (505.7) → 490.7 (506.0) MB, 2396.2 / 0.1 ms (average mu = 0.087, current mu = 0.005) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
[05:07:21] [2168:004564B8] 276949 ms: Mark-sweep 494.3 (506.0) → 491.0 (506.2) MB, 7048.1 / 0.2 ms (average mu = 0.024, current mu = 0.002) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
[05:07:21] <— JS stacktrace —>
[05:07:21] ==== JS stack trace =========================================
[05:07:21] 0: ExitFrame [pc: 01E6E727]
[05:07:21] Security context: 0x03700469
[05:07:21] 1: /* anonymous / [03D9D445] [0x03140279 :~445] [pc=281CCCDA](this=0x03d9d465 ,0x2b21b3e5 <AST_ObjectKeyVal map = 0B0C3805>)
[05:07:21] 2: arguments adaptor frame: 3->1
[05:07:21] 3: /
anonymous */ [1FEC82ED] [0x03140279 :~4565] [pc=281CC11D](this=0x2b21b3e5 <AST_ObjectKeyVal map = 0B0C3805>,0x03d9d465 <TreeTransformer map…
[05:07:22] Node.js report completed
[05:07:22] read ECONNRESET

OS: Windows
node v12.16.1
npm v6.13.4

Hey @islamghany,

We’re you able to publish successfully or are you still encountering this issue? If so, could you run rm -rf .expo and see if that helps?


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