Firebase analytic and crashlytic

Im using firebase in my project and i want to use some firebase features like crashlytic and analytics.

In the firebase console, to enable them, it will take you through some steps which needs to edit native codes and its not something we can do in expo.

So Im asking for a solution to do it in expo.

I did some googling and i found an option we can add to the app.json, and its fabric by google.
And just noticed that fabric joined firebase recently.
But still its not clear for me how i can use that option to enable the mentioned feature in firebase.

What a silent community expo do have

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Hey @andolad,

Sorry for the delayed response. In order to make use of those products, you would have to detach your Expo project and either use the standard Firebase SDK library or the react-native-firebase library.

As for the fabric question, you can read a response I posted here: How to add CrashAnalytic to the my expo project Make sure to search the forums for your questions/issues just in case someone else has posted something similar!



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