First-Load-Offline for Detached App

Hi @ccheever, I’ve already read all the topics about offline load in the forum and I think your reply is the latest progress right? As you mentioned:

this should work for code

I think it ‘work’ for the standalone app build by exp right? I just build an android standalone app apk file and install it on the genymotion simulator. After turn off the network and open the app, I can see it works correctly but cannot load image assets, just like you described.

Since there is no doc clarify this behavior, could you explain several questions?

  1. The standalone app build by exp(without detach or eject) will bundle the js code to the install package, and it will still fetch latest js code published to expo. So it should works in offline with local js and can hot update when network is fine?
  2. If 1 is correct, what will happened if the network is slow and user take a long time to fetch new js code from your cdn? Will the app automatically reload when download finished or it will keep silent and use the latest code in next open?
  3. If 1 is correct and stable, I think it can solve most of my problem with offline open. I can upload the remain media assets to some local CDN which my users can download fast and cache it in the file system right?