Getting expo-camera ref to start working to record videos

Hi everyone! I am trying to get expo-camera to record videos. However, I am getting an error:

[TypeError: camera.recordAsync is not a function. (In ‘camera.recordAsync()’, ‘camera.recordAsync’ is undefined)]

This is implementation:

                style={{ flex: 1 }} 
                    flex: 1,
                    backgroundColor: 'transparent',
                    flexDirection: 'row',
                <View style={{ alignSelf: 'flex-end', alignItems: 'center', padding: 20, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', width: '100%'}}>
                    <MaterialIcons name="video-library" onPress={pickVideo} color={"#eee"} size={45}/>     
                    <RecordingIcon />    
                    <Ionicons name="ios-reverse-camera" onPress={setCameraType} color={"#eee"} size={45}/>                     

The important row is . This represents the icon that can be pressed to record and stop recording.

function RecordingIcon (){
            return (
                <MaterialIcons name="fiber-manual-record" onPress={() => setRecording(false)} color={"#FF0000"} size={60}/>  
        } else {
            return (
                <MaterialIcons name="fiber-manual-record" onPress={() => setRecording(true)} color={"#eee"} size={60}/>  

Every time I tap the recording icon, one of these two functions gets called.

async function record(){
        console.log("record", camera); 
            let recording = await camera.recordAsync(); 

    async function stopRecording(){
        console.log("stop recording", camera); 
            let stopRecording = await camera.stopRecording(); 

However, both of these don’t work because of the error at the top:

async function record(){
        console.log("record", camera); 
            let recording = await camera.recordAsync(); 

    async function stopRecording(){
        console.log("stop recording", camera); 
            let stopRecording = await camera.stopRecording(); 

This is how I initialized my camera reference.

let camera = useRef(null);

Really appreciate anyone’s help to figure out to resolve this error. I tried doing camera.current.recordAsync() and camera.current.stopRecording() too, but I got the same error.

use instead of camera

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