Gl React Expo rescaling captured image

Hi, I’m having an issue where the output image from a surface suffers a rescaling. Maybe it happens due to some missing property at Surface level, but I don’t know of any. Does someone have an idea of what could it be?

Example 1:

Original Image = {
  "height": 2560,
  "width": 1440,

Final Image = {
  "height": 1518,
  "width": 854,

Surface Size = {
  "height": 284.625,
  "width": 506

Example 2:

Original Image = {
  "height": 357,
  "width": 412,

Final Image = {
  "height": 936,
  "width": 1080,

Surface Size = {
  "height": 360,
  "width": 311.9417475728156

The surface size is calculated according to the actual space the surface has to render to, and it is sent to its style prop.

Last but not least, I like to compliment the entire Expo Team on the great job you guys do, thank you so much.

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