Google login redirects to client base page

So I’m using the Expo.Google.loginInAsync functionality, in an app running through the Expo client app on my phone. When I click the button I’ve created, the app does move successfully to the Web View authentication and I can click on my email. The problem is that the redirect on successful login takes me back to the root page of the client app (where I can pick different Expo apps to jump into) rather than back to my currently running app, so I can’t grab the token or continue working with the app.

Has anyone else run into this? Anyone know what to do about it? I’d appreciate any help I can get!

    handleSignIn = async () => {
        const clientId = config.appGoogleApi.client_id;
        const { type, accessToken } = await Expo.Google.logInAsync({ clientId });
        console.log(type, accessToken);

    render() {
        return (
            <ImageBackground source={require('../assets/brickwall_@2X.png')} style={styles.container}>
                    style={{ width: 300, height: 300 }}
                <Button onPress={this.handleSignIn} title='Login' />

Hey @peregrin!

I’ll try and recreate this issue, what SDK version are you using? Is this on iOS, android, or both? And are you running on a real device or simulator?
