Google sign in returning no object not valid

Hey, when a user tried to sign in using google, they are first welcomed to the “select account” screen, however after selecting the account the app crashes. The apps sign in works fine with apple and facebook. I have tried googling for this issue, however none of the results has the same error as mine.

Im using SDK 39.0.3
“firebase”: “7.9.0”,
“expo-google-sign-in”: “~8.3.0”,
Inside try catch:

      await GoogleSignIn.initAsync();
      await GoogleSignIn.askForPlayServicesAsync();

      const { type } = await GoogleSignIn.signInAsync();
      const data = GoogleSignIn.GoogleAuthentication.prototype.toJSON();

      await f.auth().setPersistence(f.auth.Auth.Persistence.LOCAL);
      const credential = f.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(data.idToken, data.accessToken);

      const googleProfileData = await f.auth().signInWithCredential(credential);

catch block never gets called.
Here are the logs

10-08 02:49:38.726  2330  3011 I BugleJobs: GenericWorkerQueueAction: Bailing early, no work found, no failed work found
10-08 02:49:39.792  2813  2884 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.795  2813  2897 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.795  2813  2897 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.795  2813  2897 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.845  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:39.846  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:39.849  2813  2813 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.849  2813  2813 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.849  2813  2897 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.851  2813  2813 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.851  2813  2813 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.852  2813  2813 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:39.854   919 13976 I ActivityManager: START u0 { pkg=com.sesh.seshapp cmp=com.sesh.seshapp/ (has extras)} from uid 10117 on display 0
10-08 02:49:39.869   919  1921 I MediaFocusControl:  AudioFocus  abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10117/2813
10-08 02:49:39.889   919  1914 I ActivityManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10117 on display 0
10-08 02:49:40.112 14700 30416 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting service_kind=0 source=16 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG requires_charging=0 source_version=203615000 required_network_type=0 flex_time=3591000 persistence_level=1 runtime=1602114580101 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} preferred_network_type=1 required_idleness_state=0 preferred_charging_state=1 period=7183000 last_runtime=0 task_type=0 job_id=-1 user_id=0, error message: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067) [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
10-08 02:49:40.183  2454  3015 I Adreno  : QUALCOMM build                   : a5b4970, If5818605d9
10-08 02:49:40.183  2454  3015 I Adreno  : Build Date                       : 10/12/16
10-08 02:49:40.183  2454  3015 I Adreno  : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04
10-08 02:49:40.183  2454  3015 I Adreno  : Local Branch                     : N24D
10-08 02:49:40.183  2454  3015 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    :
10-08 02:49:40.183  2454  3015 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    :
10-08 02:49:40.183  2454  3015 I Adreno  : Reconstruct Branch               :
10-08 02:49:40.190  2454  3015 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
10-08 02:49:40.190  2454  3015 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
10-08 02:49:40.200 21111 21145 I PeopleChimeraService: onService. callbacks = aalq@a4e1378, request =
10-08 02:49:40.212   919   964 I ActivityManager: Displayed +284ms (total +342ms)
10-08 02:49:40.223   919  1921 I ActivityManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10019 on display 0
10-08 02:49:40.229  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:40.230  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:40.290   919  1396 I ActivityManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10019 on display 0
10-08 02:49:40.330 14700 29848 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting service_kind=0 source=16 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG requires_charging=0 source_version=203615000 required_network_type=0 flex_time=3590000 persistence_level=1 runtime=1602114580326 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} preferred_network_type=1 required_idleness_state=0 preferred_charging_state=1 period=7182000 last_runtime=0 task_type=0 job_id=-1 user_id=0, error message: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067) [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
10-08 02:49:40.508  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:40.508  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:40.518  2454  3017 W art     : Before Android 4.1, method double java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextDouble(double, double) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
10-08 02:49:40.518  2454  3017 W art     : Before Android 4.1, method int java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextInt(int, int) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
10-08 02:49:40.518  2454  3017 W art     : Before Android 4.1, method long java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextLong(long, long) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
10-08 02:49:40.538   919   964 I ActivityManager: Displayed +214ms (total +306ms)
10-08 02:49:40.599  2454  3022 W ProviderHelper: Unknown dynamite feature providerinstaller
10-08 02:49:40.599  2454  3022 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
10-08 02:49:40.599  2454  3022 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
10-08 02:49:40.608  2454  3022 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-08 02:49:40.608  2454  3022 W Conscrypt: 	at (040300-333172415):2)
10-08 02:49:40.608  2454  3022 W Conscrypt: 	at (040300-333172415):0)
10-08 02:49:40.684  2454  3022 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-08 02:49:40.685  2454  3022 W Conscrypt: 	at (040300-333172415):2)
10-08 02:49:40.685  2454  3022 W Conscrypt: 	at (040300-333172415):0)
10-08 02:49:40.803   919  1729 I ActivityManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10019 on display 0
10-08 02:49:40.868  2454  2454 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
10-08 02:49:40.868  2454  2454 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
10-08 02:49:40.879   919 13976 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 (has extras)} from uid 10019 on display 0
10-08 02:49:41.005 14700  1494 I FontLog : Received query Google Sans, URI content:// [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.005 14700  1494 I FontLog : Query [Google Sans] resolved to {Google Sans, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.009 14700  1494 I FontLog : Font PFD returned from cache for {Google Sans, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.011  2454  2454 I ViewConfigCompat: Could not find method getScaledScrollFactor() on ViewConfiguration
10-08 02:49:41.015 14700  1494 I FontLog : Fetch {Google Sans, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} end status Status{statusCode=SUCCESS, resolution=null} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.020 14700 14719 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 17, cache size = 5 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.025  2454  2454 W DividerItem: @android:attr/listDivider was not set in the theme used for this DividerItemDecoration. Please set that attribute all call setDrawable()
10-08 02:49:41.040 21111 21123 I PeopleChimeraService: onService. callbacks = aalq@3cdd442, request =
10-08 02:49:41.111  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:41.112  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:41.129 14700 14718 I FontLog : Received query Google Sans, URI content:// [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.129 14700 14718 I FontLog : Query [Google Sans] resolved to {Google Sans, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.132 14700 14718 I FontLog : Font PFD returned from cache for {Google Sans, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.132 14700 14718 I FontLog : Fetch {Google Sans, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} end status Status{statusCode=SUCCESS, resolution=null} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.137 14700  1243 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 18, cache size = 5 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
10-08 02:49:41.225   919   964 I ActivityManager: Displayed +327ms (total +400ms)
10-08 02:49:42.423 14700 29848 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting service_kind=0 source=16 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG requires_charging=0 source_version=203615000 required_network_type=0 flex_time=3588000 persistence_level=1 runtime=1602114582419 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} preferred_network_type=1 required_idleness_state=0 preferred_charging_state=1 period=7178000 last_runtime=0 task_type=0 job_id=-1 user_id=0, error message: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067) [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
10-08 02:49:46.297   400   641 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
10-08 02:49:46.299   400   641 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
10-08 02:49:46.368  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:46.370  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:46.384  2454  3015 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x866e7d00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x86645390
10-08 02:49:46.549  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:46.549  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:46.615  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:46.616  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:46.841  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:46.847  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:46.853  2813  2856 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:46.853  2813  2856 D j       : WARNING: getPackageName called on ScopedContext
10-08 02:49:46.859  2813  2813 D SoLoader: init exiting
10-08 02:49:46.859  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:46.882  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:47.078 14700 29848 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting service_kind=0 source=16 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG requires_charging=0 source_version=203615000 required_network_type=0 flex_time=3584000 persistence_level=1 runtime=1602114587074 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} preferred_network_type=1 required_idleness_state=0 preferred_charging_state=1 period=7169000 last_runtime=0 task_type=0 job_id=-1 user_id=0, error message: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067) [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS: Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {code, message}).
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS: This error is located at:
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTText
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in P
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in Text
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in ForwardRef
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in u
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in j
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in k
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in ForwardRef
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in PanGestureHandler
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in b
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in x
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.197  2813  2879 E ReactNativeJS:     in C
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {code, message}).
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: This error is located at:
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTText
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in P
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in Text
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in ForwardRef
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in u
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in j
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in k
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in ForwardRef
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in PanGestureHandler
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in b
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in x
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in Unknown
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in RCTView
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in View
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative:     in C, stack:
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: jn@102:31558
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: <unknown>@102:36603
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: jr@102:45768
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: Ci@102:81915
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: Cl@102:74733
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: Rl@102:74658
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: Pl@102:74425
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: Tl@102:71558
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: Tl@-1
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: <unknown>@102:23572
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: unstable_runWithPriority@203:3882
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: an@102:23519
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: ln@102:23454
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: ml@102:68244
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: enqueueSetState@102:28284
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: setState@68:1350
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: value@743:3689
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: value@-1
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: <unknown>@1658:8814
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: y@119:586
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: <unknown>@119:1889
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: y@119:586
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: o@119:1065
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: <unknown>@119:1208
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: f@51:154
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: <unknown>@51:863
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: y@135:580
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: C@135:946
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: callImmediates@135:3003
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: value@37:2918
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: <unknown>@37:1094
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: value@37:2610
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: value@37:1064
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: value@-1
10-08 02:49:47.222  2813  2884 E unknown:ReactNative: value@-1
10-08 02:49:47.271  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3184
10-08 02:49:47.272  1805  1805 I GoogleInputMethodServic: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1830
10-08 02:49:49.016 14700 29848 W NetworkScheduler.TED: Enforcing binder timeout for ComponentInfo{}
10-08 02:49:49.016 14700 29848 E NetworkScheduler.TED: Dropping task as app's play services SDK version does not support Android O. Either update the SDK or lower your app's target SDK version. Canceling all tasks for the service: ComponentInfo{}
10-08 02:49:49.572   400   641 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
10-08 02:49:49.575   400   641 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: Exception thrown while unbinding
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered:
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at
10-08 02:49:52.055  2813  2836 W ConnectionTracker: 	at