Has anyone implemented branch for universal links?

I tried to implement branch for universal links. I used the code from the API Docs here:

the only way to test the app is to build a standalone app, which I’ve done.

When I click the share button, I don’t get any options to share

what options do you expect to see there? it looks like you’re using a simulator so it’s very limited in which apps are available to share to

iMessage you was what I was looking for

run it on your device and you should see it. there is no messages app in simulator

Thankyou. Will have to build and upload to TestFlight :cry:

Okay, so I used the code from the page about branch APIs (https://docs.expo.io/versions/v24.0.0/sdk/branch.html2)

I then published the app.

When I clicked the share button, nothing worked.

I then ran the app using the expo client and when I click the share button I get this error:
[Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: branchUniversalObject]

Have you seen this before?

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