Hosting app on own server

@wkozyra @quinlanj
I am developing an ios app and need to distribute the standalone binary to an enterprise. When I run expo build: ios. All the files related to my app is going to expo server and hosted in expo CDN. But I dont want this approach because of privacy issues.

So I thought to host the app on my own server. Kindly please help me with the steps to be followed to host ios app on my own server.

Also I need to pull OTA updates from my own server. In that case how to configure my app?

Thanks in advance.


  • run expo export --public-url
  • upload dist directory to your server
  • run expo build:ios --public-url

If you also don’t wan’t to use our server for building apps, you can use turtle-cli (it also supports --public-url flag), but push notification key still needs to be uploaded to our servers

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Thanks @wkozyra.

One more thing is I need to pull OTA updates from my own server. In that case how to configure my index.json?

ios-index.json and android-index.json are files generated inside dist directory, you modify them in any way

OTA updates configuration works the same way as in normal flow, it’s enabled by default. If you want to update, just upload new dist directory to your server, under the same url. Only difference is that you need to remember about breaking changes between sdk yourself, if you want to build app for new sdk it’ll need to be hosted under different url.

Thanks @wkozyra

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