How to build for IOS. Apple store account


Do i need to configure something in de apple dev account before building for IOS (exp build:ios)?

I tried many times the past weeks to build for it but always failed.
@Quin sees ‘Could not find app with bundle id’ in the logs. And i get ‘Unable to fetch push certificate’.
But i’m letting expo generate both certificates.

Please help.

Do you have an active apple membership? I have an apple developer account (user, pass, and team), but my $99 license expired. My iOS build failed as well, saying I had invalid credentials. Please let me know.

@jcalderaio thanks. Yes we have an active apple membership, we have a team ID and expiration date is August 31, 2018

@flieks Wow, that’s odd then. I’m building my app for a client (large company), so I’m going to have to contact them to buy a new license. Please let me know if you figure out what’s wrong.

Hi, can you paste your build id here? Also, can you try logging in at and make sure everything looks correct? Sometimes we see issues when people haven’t accepted the most recent Apple license agreement, and it shows up as an opaque error.

@jcalderaio @ben

Sorry i didn’t realise you have to create a bundle ID (appid) first in apple dev account before you can run exp build:ios. The expo build docs don’t explain this and for android it’s not needed.
And at first i got problems it couldn’t create the appID because bundleId already existed probably.

Now i have another problem at the last step in apple store:
Your app is using the Advertising Identifier (IDFA). You must either provide details about the IDFA usage or remove it from the app and submit your binary again.

I’m not using facebook Ads…
I can just see some FacebookAds in flow-typed/npm/expo_vx.x.x.js

This page explains more on what to do:

Note: When submitting to the iTunes Store, you’ll be asked whether your app uses the advertising identifier (IDFA). Because Expo depends on Segment Analytics, the answer is yes, and you’ll need to check a couple boxes on the Apple submission form. See Segment’s Guide for which specific boxes to fill in.

Currently this means:

You’ll want to check the following three boxes:

“Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement”
“Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement”
“I, YOUR_NAME, confirm that this app, and any third party…”
Note, you should not check the box labeled “Serve advertisements within the app” unless you are actually going to display ads.


@flieks Sorry I’m asking you for help while you’re asking the Expo team for help, but that’s what this is all about :slight_smile: So if I am hearing you correctly, I should go into my Apple developer account and go into iTunes Connect and create a new App or a new App Bundle? What’s even the difference? I LOVE the Expo team and I am a HUGE fan of their software, but I think the Documents should be much clearer and give step by step directions, without leaving out this important information.

@ide thanks, i figured that out as well :slight_smile: i read it on forums. Didn’t see that little note in the docs :slight_smile:

@jcalderaio no not in itunes connect.
docs don’t tell us this: You have to go in and create an app id before you can do exp build:ios.


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