How to display an array of images from the firestore database in react native?

hello how to show an array of images from the firestore database in react native? i tried this but no images are showing

return (
    <Image style={ {width: 350, height: 300}} source={{uri:}} />

i am getting this warning at the bottom of the screen in yellow

''Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop 'source' supplied to 'ForwardRef(image)' ''

Hi @emmanuel_1234 What is ? is it a valid uri ?

yes here it is

Object {

“photos”: Array [”,”,

You’re supplying an array for the source, but the uri prop need un url string

It’s better to loop throught your the photos array as well to dispay the picture.

{> =>
    return (
        <Image style={ {width: 350, height: 300}} source={{uri: photo}} />

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